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Why Buy a Bike at Wheaton's Cycle?

Comfort and Fit 

People come in all shapes and sizes. We will ensure that your bike is the right size and adjusted properly just for you.
Test rides and assessing your needs are part of the process of buying a bike or accessory at Wheaton's.

Professional Assembly by a Trained Mechanic

A large benefit of purchasing a bicycle from Wheaton's is that the bicycle will be professionally assembled by a trained mechanic, ensuring you have nice ride for an extended period of time.


Free Adjustment & Tune-up with Bike Purchase

All bikes go through a break in period where cables are stretched and need to be adjusted. We recommend and provide a complimentary break-in tune-up after 30 hours of riding. Also you are welcome to a complimentary full-tune up within 1 year of any new bike purchase. 

10% Discount on Accessories 

We are happy to extend a 10% discount and free installation, on any accessories on the day of your bike purchase.

Mechanics on Duty

We are knowledgeable, experienced and always on staff!

Supporting Your Community 

We are a central source for more than just great bicycles, accessories, and apparel. We can help you find great rides, the latest cycling information, and we are advocates for better bike paths, trails and facilities in Kalispell and the Flathead. Additionally, we provide mechanical support for several local rides each season, and make donations to local charities. We pay taxes to our town (unlike many box stores) to improve local infrastructure and schools. Buying from Amazon doesn’t support our local economy! 

Value after the Sale

We welcome post-sale service and adjustments. The more we know you and your bike, the better we can serve you!

Trek bikes
Electra bikes
Surly bikes
Haro bikes
Salsa bikes